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You can say 'what' again.

The person with the longest hair drinks 3 times.

The people with the oldest and newest phones share 5 drinks.

Take turns saying words that have something in common with the previous one. First one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 5 times. undefined starts.

Would you rather wash your teeth with a used toothbrush or wear someone else's dirty underwear? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.

From now on, anyone who pronounces the word 'that' drinks 5 times.

Players that enjoy watchin pimple-popping videos drink 3 times.

undefined, you can forget your accent now. If you haven't lost your accent even once, drink 2 times.

Who is most likely to have had sex in the last 24 hours? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 3 times.

Who is most likely to get laid off from work? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

The person with the longest beard must try to braid it and keep it until the end of the game. If he takes it off, or can't braid it, he drinks 4 times.

Would you rather find your soulmate or win the lottery? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.

undefined and undefined, improvise a scene in which two cowboys in the Old West challenge each other to a duel to the death. The loser dies and drinks 6 times.

Do you think undefined has ever swum in open water? Everyone answers and the people that get it wrong drink 3 times.

undefined, from now on you can only speak with a refined English accent, every time you forget your accent you drink 2 times.

How much money would it take you to cut off your index finger? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 5 times.

Who is most likely to manipulate their friends to get what they want? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

Who is most likely to get angry for no reason? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 3 times.

undefined, show us how flexible you are, or drink 2 times.

People who don't know how to whistle drink 2 times.

Would you rather only be able to go out at night or in the daytime? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 3 times.

The person that gets drunk the easiest shares 8 drinks with the most alcoholic one.

Who is more likely to not remember who they've hooked up with last night? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.

Do you think undefined has ever had sex with someone the first night they met? Everyone answers and the people that get it wrong drink 3 times.

Do you think undefined has ever used alcohol to get someone drunk on purpose? Everyone answers and the people that get it wrong drink 4 times.

Would you rather not be able to get drunk or get drunk with one drop of alcohol? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.

Heads or tails. Player that flips heads most consecutive times gives out 7 drinks. undefined starts.

Would you rather have everyone be able to read your mind or have your entire life live-streamed 24 hours a day? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 2 times.

People that believe in ghosts drink 3 times.

Girls that are on their period drink 2 times.

Would you rather meet your ancestors or meet your future descendants? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 3 times.

Who is most likely to set a Guinness world record of 'hours spent sleeping'? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

Take turns at 'porn actresses', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.

Take turns at 'primate species', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.

Girls answer, how long do you think a man's orgasm lasts for?

undefined, you have until the end of the night to get a stranger's Instagram, but you can't speak until you do so. If you fail you have to buy someone a drink or a shot.

People with racist relatives drink 6 times.

undefined, fuck, marry, kill.

Who is most likely to get married to a celebrity? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

Who is the most ethical? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.

Who is most likely to get tattooed while drunk and love it the next day? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.

Who is most likely to live the longest in a zombie apocalypse? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.