El juego ha terminado. Tomaros un descanso o empezad uno nuevo.
How much money would it take you to get a hand up your ass? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 6 times.
People who know their blood group give out 2 drinks.
The person who has the most condoms on them right now gives out 2 drinks.
From now on, if anyone decides to down a full drink, they can propose any new challenge or rule that the rest of the group must follow.
Take turns naming boy names that start with o, first one to mess up or take too long drinks 6 times.
You have 30 seconds from now on to steal undefined's keys. If you get it done they'll have to drink 6 times.
How much money would it take you to get a molar pulled out without anesthesia? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 5 times.
Would you rather have all the happiness or all the money? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.
undefined, what would you do if you found a dead body in your hotel room when you woke up?
Would you rather always wear the same pair of socks or never wear underwear? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 2 times.
Would you rather walk on water or turn gravity off at will (only for you)? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 2 times.
Take turns at 'reasons why you shouldn't drink', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.
If you know more than one football or soccer anthem, give out 5 drinks.
Would you rather press a button and kill a million innocent people or kill one of your friends with your own hands? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.
Everybody shows with their fingers a number between 1 and 5 at the same time. The player that shows the highest non-repeated number gives out (2 * winning digit) drinks.
undefined, imitate a famous movie scene. The first to guess correctly gives out 5 drinks.
Take turns at 'things you shouldn't do in class', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 4 times.
If you piss sitting, drink 6 times.
Who is most likely to get a divorce first? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.
undefined and undefined, at the count of three point out the funniest person in the group. If you chose the same person, they have to drink 4 times, if not, you drink them.
undefined, if you have make-up on, take it off. If you don't have any make-up on, paint your nails or lips. If you refuse, drink 8 times.
undefined, choose the person you'd rather take to a desert island with you. Both of you share 7 drinks.
People who have ever broken up with their partner over text stand up, drink 2 times, and justify why.
People who think they've gone the longest period without showering raise their hand on the count of three and drink 4 times. If no one raises their hand you all drink 4 times.
How much money would it take you to live with your eyes closed for a whole year? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 5 times.
undefined, who did you lose your virginity to? Drink 6 times if you don't want to answer.
undefined, you can forget your accent now. If you haven't lost your accent even once, drink 3 times.
Who is most likely to become a doctor? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.
If you don't how to cross your eyes drink 2 times.
undefined, show us what position you normally sleep in.
Who is most likely to have sex drunk and then not remember? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.
Everyone who has taken a picture today drinks 4 times or shows the photo.
undefined, you're not a wizard anymore, if you didn't break character once, you can give out 3 magical drinks.
undefined, from now on you can only speak with a refined English accent, every time you forget your accent you drink 3 times.
Would you rather go to hell with all your friends or go to heaven alone? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 3 times.
The last one to lift both their feet from the ground drinks 3 times.
undefined, on a scale from one to ten, how much do you think you know about undefined. Share as many drinks with them as the number you said.
Who is the laziest? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.
People that think undefined and undefined have ever kissed each other drink 2 times.
undefined and undefined, at the count of three point out the least responsible person in the group. If you chose the same person, they have to drink 4 times, if not, you drink them.
undefined, from now on you're a magician, every time you want to speak you need to cast a spell. Every time you forget your spells drink 2 times.
Would you rather lose all your money and possessions or lose all your friends? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.