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undefined is no longer the King of Ears.

Take turns at 'types of boobs', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.

Would you rather lose all of your memories or your sight? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 2 times.

The person that has woken up the latest today drinks 5 times.

Take turns naming countries that start with c, the first one to mess up or take too long drinks 6 times.

undefined is the King of Ears. At any time, they can touch their ear, and the last one to imitate them drinks 6 times.

undefined, hand out 5 drinks if your finger has been inside an asshole this past week.

undefined, imitate an iguana to the best of your ability. The rest of the group decides if you drink 6 times based on your performance.

Would you rather not be able to eat chocolate or cheese? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 4 times.

Who is most likely to win a Nobel Prize? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

undefined, if you send a shirtless selfie to someone you've hooked up with in the past, give out 6 drinks.

Who is most likely to slip and fall because of their own piss? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.

undefined, you're not a wizard anymore, if you didn't break character once, you can give out 4 magical drinks.

undefined, you have the power to shrink anything once by 50%. How would you make money?

How much money would it take you to drink a glass of semen? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 6 times.

Whoever has had any plastic surgery or procedure ever done drinks 6 times.

Take turns at 'perfume brands', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.

People that poop less than once a week... you're scary. Finish your drink.

undefined, is there something that you did at work, that if your boss knew, they would fire you?

Everybody grabs the earlobe of the player on their right. First one to let go, drinks 6 times. Keep playing in the meantime.

undefined, from now on you're a magician, every time you want to speak you need to cast a spell. Every time you forget your spells drink 3 times.

Everyone who breathes drinks. Cheers!

undefined, what do you think is your best physical feature? Drink 3 times because you're such a cutie patootie.

undefined, dry hump undefined. If any of you refuse, drink 6 times

People who don't use contraceptives drink 3 times.

How much money would it take you to do a striptease for your parents? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 6 times.

People who have lost more than 100 dollars gambling drink 3 times.

Whoever's not in a relationship gives out 4 drinks.

Would you rather have 10,000 dollars today or 10,000,000 dollars in 30 years? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 2 times.

Would you rather not be able to use a phone or not be able to use any type of transport vehicle? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 3 times.

How much money would it take you to get a molar pulled out without anesthesia? Everybody votes at the same time, the highest and lowest prices drink 6 times.

undefined, you can forget your accent now. If you haven't lost your accent even once, drink 2 times.

Take turns at 'adjectives to describe men', the first one to make a mistake or take too long drinks 3 times.

Who is most likely to prostitute themselves? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 2 times.

undefined, try licking your elbow. If you can't, lick someone else's elbow. If you refuse, drink 5 times.

undefined, kiss undefined.

Would you rather only have sex in public spaces or only be able to have sex in one place for the rest of your life? Everybody votes at the same time and the minority drinks 3 times.

Who is the most ethical? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 4 times.

undefined, from now on you can only speak with a French accent, every time you forget your new accent you drink 3 times.

undefined VS undefined! The first one to blink loses. Loser drinks 5 times.

Who is the most stubborn? Everyone votes at the same time. The most voted person drinks 3 times.

The last one to put their hands up drinks 2 times.

Do you think undefined believes in god? Everyone answers and the people that get it wrong drink 2 times.